Female Scammer Irina Alekseevna Galchenko
E-mail: irsokvvv@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Irina Alekseevna |
Location [Address]: | Orenburg |
Age: | 37 |
Birth Date: | 28-05-1978 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1
I received your letter. It is pleasant to me that our communication develops and makes success.
Our acquaintance develops everything better every day. And it thanks to our letters.
Why you do not send your new photos? I ask you. Send for me. I want to learn about you more and more. Thank you that you speak frankly about your last relations. For me it is very a pity that so at you it turned out.
I understand how to you it was sick. Because I felt the same pain. I regret for death of your parents. It is pleasant that you do not forget t about your parents. And you come to a grave. Thanks for the story about your family.
It was very interesting to me to read it. I am glad to know about your region. I would be glad to visit your region, to see beautiful places on my vacation. You have an aquarium? And at you the goldfish floats? I will be glad to see a photo. I very much love animals.
Both cats, and dogs. This morning I went to the pool. I swam 45 minutes.
After that I went home the tired. Laid down on a sofa. Also fell asleep with TV. Behind that as woke up. I began to tide up. I love purity and an order in the apartment. And of course then began to make a dinner. I prepared spaghetti bolognese. I think that you already have ideas. And now I answer later. And how passed your day?!
To me it is very curious. What plans you will have tomorrow?!
I work 5 working days. Saturday and Sunday is my weekend. I reach for work using public transport or a taxi.
My working day lasts 8 hours.
Under the law of the labor code of Kazakhstan, people should not work more than 8 hours for 1 day.
Also it in your country? Also I have a lunch break.
How you reach for works? On the car or public transport?
I would like to tell you that I did not tell earlier. I want to speak openly and I think that, you have to know about it!
Earlier I had unsuccessful experience with the man. It was called by Azamat. We had relations throughout a long time and we lived together. But then I was disappointed for it.
Once I managed to be released at my work earlier. I hurried home to meet my man and to make for him a dinner. But when came back home and opened a door, then I saw women's shoes in our corridor.
I was a little surprised and I thought that perhaps it one of my friends came. But when, I opened a door of my bedroom, then I was shocked to the seen.
I saw that Azamat lay in a bed and embraced the unfamiliar woman. When he saw me, then he told that he can explain for me. But I did not need what explanations.
I understood everything without words. I began to cry and ran away. I could not forgive him. Next day I called Azamat to collect the things and to leave my apartment.
I decided that I have to stop the relations with this man!
I cannot connect my life with the traitor who changed me with other woman. I do not want to think that once he again will be able to make something similar.
After that case I became isolated, and I had no relation with men on an extent more than 3 years.
Now I solved again to look for the man for me.
But I do not want the man from Kazakhstan. Therefore I decided to look for love in other country.
I will look forward to your answer.
Irina Alekseevna Galchenko PS : Attached a photo of the work at conference
Letter 2
How passed your day today?! It is very interesting to me to know! Today in my city there were-16 degrees in the afternoon. And what desire was not to go outside. As it was cold. Then I decided to watch film of Avatar. It is my favourite movie. As watched the first part. And here decided to watch the second part of Avatar: The Way of Water. You watched this movie?! I want, once together with you to watch this movie. I am ready to look again and again.
I regret that you in the childhood failed under ice. Yes, it is very dangerous and awful. I am glad that your father could rescue you. In my life such tragic did not happen. If here only my father died. When to me only about one year of life. At this time I was in Germany. And my mother with me was compelled to return back to Kazakhstan.
Why you did not answer questions of my last letter? You that did not tell about your work. As you reach work. and also about your last relations with women.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Irina Alekseevna Galchenko
Letter 3
It is pleasant to me to see that you do not leave me alone. I respond to your letters every day and it pleases me.
But I want to feel you close to me. I want that you were near me!
I hope that your days off passed very well and safely. And also I wish you excellent Monday. And excellent week!
This morning it was pleasant to go to work. I went down the street. There was a light pleasant frost. I went and relaxed. And behind that also came back home on foot. My walking made 50 minutes. And I passed about 15 km. It in the morning and in the evening. It is so healthy. Excellent week began. Everything was pleasant to me. Also
I hope that at you also everything is good. I spoke to you about my last relations sincerely. I want that you knew on how many I seriously treat you.
I want to have sincere and serious relation, I have no desire of fleeting stories, I have no time for games. I also look for the serious relations. I think that we should know each other well now. perhaps we will be able to build our relations with you. The purpose of my peep same as well as at you. I too want now the relations constructed on honesty, fidelity and feelings.
Earlier, my friend of Veranika advised me to try acquaintances on the Internet.
She worries about me and wants that my private life developed well. She told me that, got acquainted with the man on the Internet and went to it to Spain. Already she contacted me and reported that she's fine. She told that remains to live in Spain! Perhaps it will find already soon happiness of which she dreamed!
I can remember a telecast which is called - "let's get married". This show which helped foreign men to find for them the woman from Kazakhstan.
Why from Kazakhstan? Perhaps because the Kazakh women the most beautiful and it is known of it around the world! In one of transfers of this show I could see that three women, from various regions of Kazakhstan, arrived to show to meet the foreign man.
The man had to choose only one!!! One woman spoke much about herself. Then the leader in show asked a question for this woman. He asked, why she wants to receive foreign the man? That woman answered without reflecting! She told that foreign men very much love the Russian women. Also foreign men who were more adapted for family life than if the Kazakh women.
Also, that woman told about the last relations. That woman very much was pleasant for foreign the man and he invited her to visit his country and to see as he lives.
She agreed. In one month new release "let's get married" told that that foreign man, the Kazakh woman came back to Kazakhstan. The woman was very happy and she told that they decided to get married!!! I like to watch similar shows on television.
Also, I would like to meet the correct man for me which will be able to fall in love with me and to accept me such as I am. I here would like, to found own, qualitative family in the future. I very much want it.
But before there has to be a mutual love, passion, respect, honesty between us. If it is so, then I will be able to be assured for this man.
Never I want that there was a lie in my relations. If partners lie each other, then it will be the first step to spoil the relations. Such relations in which deception and lie, will never be able to be long and strong.
I want that you were honest for me. I think that you are the kind and sincere man. To be pleasant to me it in you. In this letter I applied a photo from my holiday last year. Then I and my friend of Veranika visited the city of Yalta in the Crimea! You know Yalta? I hope that you will love my photos.
I look forward your answer to my letter. It is very important to me to know your opinion.
Irina Alekseevna Galchenko
Letter 4
Good Day Dear. This Irina Alekseevna Galchenko. Gives me great pleasure that I can to find you, and so I decided to know more you. I want become acquainted a strong and attentive person for a relationship in future. I think that you are precisely a man. I will have big pleasure to communicate with you at any time. I'm single and I hope to finding someone who will care and understand me. If you are also interested in continuing our dialogue, answer me in the next letter.
If you are interested in me Please reply ONLY to my personal mailbox: Irina Alekseevna Galchenko.
I'll be waiting, Irina Alekseevna Galchenko.